45912018 Апр 22 | Artwork Sounds - The Gospel According to Artwork Sounds (2022) FLAC | | 631.00630.29 MB | 0 0 0 |
45912018 Апр 22 | Blair Bryant - Red Tiger (2022) FLAC | | 387.00386.41 MB | 0 0 0 |
45912018 Апр 22 | The Prodigy - The Fat Of The Land [Vinyl-Rip, Reissue] (1997/2012) WavPack | | 3072.003.00 GB | 0 0 0 |
45909617 Апр 22 | Nick Loxx - The Voyage (2022) MP3 | | 81.0080.90 MB | 0 0 0 |
45907216 Апр 22 | VA - I Love My '90s Funk (2022) MP3 | | 1199.001.17 GB | 0 0 0 |
45904815 Апр 22 | Shaman - Rescue (2022) MP3 | | 126.00125.29 MB | 0 0 0 |
45904815 Апр 22 | P. Lion - Greatest Hits & Remixes (2020) FLAC | | 777.00776.70 MB | 0 0 0 |
45904815 Апр 22 | Aevum - Glitch (2022) MP3 | | 124.00123.13 MB | 0 0 0 |
47683225 Апр 24 | Edguy - Hall Of Flame: The Best And The Rare (2004) FLAC | | 979.00978.09 MB | 0 0 0 |
45900013 Апр 22 | Anguish Force - The W8 of the Future (2022) MP3 | | 126.00125.03 MB | 0 0 0 |
45892810 Апр 22 | Boba Cat - Maximum Erection (2022) MP3 | | 131.00130.33 MB | 0 0 0 |
45890409 Апр 22 | VA - 90s Love Songs (2022) MP3 | | 515.00514.81 MB | 0 0 0 |
45888008 Апр 22 | Чертово Колесо Инженера Ферриса - Левиафан (2022) MP3 | | 93.0092.06 MB | 0 0 0 |
45888008 Апр 22 | Saphath - Ascension of the Dark Prophet (2022) MP3 | | 104.00103.70 MB | 0 0 0 |
45888008 Апр 22 | Angel Nation - Antares [24-bit Hi-Res] (2022) FLAC | | 502.00501.99 MB | 0 0 0 |
45888008 Апр 22 | Saphath - Ascension of the Dark Prophet (2022) FLAC | | 350.00349.02 MB | 0 0 0 |
45888008 Апр 22 | Saints 'N' Sinners - Rise of the Alchemist (2022) FLAC | | 468.00467.66 MB | 0 0 0 |
45888008 Апр 22 | Angel Nation - Antares (2022) FLAC | | 287.00286.32 MB | 0 0 0 |
45885607 Апр 22 | Cain's Dinasty - The Witch & The Martyr (2022) FLAC | | 359.00358.85 MB | 0 0 0 |
45885607 Апр 22 | Cain's Dinasty - Eva (2018) FLAC | | 384.00383.38 MB | 0 0 0 |
45883206 Апр 22 | Project MSK - Time of Despair (2022) FLAC | | 446.00445.68 MB | 0 0 0 |
45880805 Апр 22 | VA - Cyber Monday [Vol.01] (2022) MP3 | | 1711.001.67 GB | 0 0 0 |
45880805 Апр 22 | In the Last Days - Do What Thou Wilt (2022) MP3 | | 80.0079.59 MB | 0 0 0 |
45876003 Апр 22 | Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik [24-bit Hi-Res, Remastered] (1991/2014) FLAC | | 1854.001.81 GB | 0 0 0 |
45873602 Апр 22 | VA - Dream Electronic: Chill Synthwave (2022) MP3 | | 1209.001.18 GB | 0 0 0 |
45873602 Апр 22 | Nickolay Fedorenko - Коллекция (2013-2022) FLAC | | 1823.001.78 GB | 0 0 0 |
45871201 Апр 22 | SubDocta - Strictly Business (2022) MP3 | | 117.00117.00 MB | 0 0 0 |
45871201 Апр 22 | DJ PafTron - My Name Is DJ (2022) MP3 | | 1280.001.25 GB | 0 0 0 |
45871201 Апр 22 | Celtic Hills - Huldufólk (2022) MP3 | | 120.00119.67 MB | 0 0 0 |
45871231 Мар 22 | Dreamtale - Everlasting Flame (2022) MP3 | | 140.00139.38 MB | 0 0 0 |
45871231 Мар 22 | Lords of the Trident - The Offering (2022) MP3 | | 139.00138.75 MB | 0 0 0 |
47659215 Апр 24 | Tobias Sammet's Avantasia - The Wicked Symphony (2010) MP3 | | 270.00269.78 MB | 0 0 0 |
47659215 Апр 24 | Tobias Sammet's Avantasia - The Wicked Symphony (2010) FLAC | | 527.00526.60 MB | 0 0 0 |
47659215 Апр 24 | Tobias Sammet's Avantasia - Angel Of Babylon (2010) MP3 | | 253.00252.82 MB | 0 0 0 |
47659215 Апр 24 | Tobias Sammet's Avantasia - Angel Of Babylon (2010) FLAC | | 495.00494.55 MB | 0 0 0 |
45868830 Мар 22 | VA - Dance Mission: Collection [CD 20] (1995-2003) MP3 | | 3195.003.12 GB | 0 0 0 |
45866429 Мар 22 | Thanateros - Discography (2001-2022) MP3 | | 952.00951.31 MB | 0 0 0 |
45866429 Мар 22 | VA - Monsters of Metal (2022) MP3 | | 503.00502.33 MB | 0 0 0 |
47565606 Мар 24 | Dark Moor - Dark Moor (2004) FLAC | | 582.00581.59 MB | 0 0 0 |
45864028 Мар 22 | Ex Deo - The Thirteen Years Of Nero [Vinyl-Rip] (2021) WavPack | | 2089.002.04 GB | 0 0 0 |
45864028 Мар 22 | VA - Metal Playlist (2022) MP3 | | 661.00660.13 MB | 0 0 0 |
45864028 Мар 22 | Anton Barbeau - Power Pop!!! (2022) MP3 | | 106.00105.86 MB | 0 0 0 |
45861627 Мар 22 | Ultima Grace - Ultima Grace (2022) MP3 | | 151.00150.79 MB | 0 0 0 |
45861627 Мар 22 | Emissary - The Wretched Masquerade (2022) MP3 | | 211.00210.92 MB | 0 0 0 |
45859226 Мар 22 | VA - 20's UK Hits (2022) MP3 | | 394.00393.05 MB | 0 0 0 |
47664017 Апр 24 | Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon (2003) MP3 | | 315.00314.94 MB | 0 0 0 |
47587215 Мар 24 | Lord Goblin - Lord Goblin (2024) FLAC | | 276.00275.43 MB | 0 0 0 |
45856825 Мар 22 | Kingcrown - Wake Up Call (2022) MP3 | | 101.00100.48 MB | 0 0 0 |
45856825 Мар 22 | Confidential - Devil Inside (2022) MP3 | | 124.00123.30 MB | 0 0 0 |
45856825 Мар 22 | Surrecturus - Awake And Arise (2022) MP3 | | 122.00121.77 MB | 0 0 0 |
47709605 Мая 24 | Severed Angel - Skyward [24Bit, Hi-Res] (2024) FLAC | | 633.00632.62 MB | 0 0 0 |
45856825 Мар 22 | Crystal Viper - The Last Axeman [EP] (2022) MP3 | | 87.0086.20 MB | 0 0 0 |
45856825 Мар 22 | Redshark - Digital Race (2022) MP3 | | 97.0096.84 MB | 0 0 0 |
45854424 Мар 22 | Architects (UK) - For Those That Wish to Exist at Abbey Road [24-bit Hi-Res] (2022) FLAC | | 789.00788.24 MB | 0 0 0 |
45854424 Мар 22 | Sabaton - The War To End All Wars [24-bit Hi-Res, History Edition] (2022) FLAC | | 641.00640.05 MB | 0 0 0 |
45854424 Мар 22 | Moonlight Haze - Animus (2022) FLAC | | 313.00312.18 MB | 0 0 0 |
45852023 Мар 22 | Threads Of Fate - The Cold Embrace Of The Light (2022) FLAC | | 304.00303.79 MB | 0 0 0 |
45849622 Мар 22 | Radio Tapok - Наследие (2022) FLAC | | 289.00288.42 MB | 0 0 0 |
45849622 Мар 22 | Radio Tapok - Наследие [24-bit Hi-Res] (2022) FLAC | | 472.00471.71 MB | 0 0 0 |
45847221 Мар 22 | Fallen Symmetry - Rehenes (2022) MP3 | | 130.00129.37 MB | 0 0 0 |
45842419 Мар 22 | Steve Moreton - Human Error (2022) MP3 | | 113.00112.82 MB | 0 0 0 |
45842419 Мар 22 | Antonio Giorgio - Between Light & Darkness (2022) MP3 | | 107.00106.93 MB | 0 0 0 |
45840018 Мар 22 | Alexey Pasechnik - Дискография (2015-2021) MP3 | | 1270.001.24 GB | 0 0 0 |
47623230 Мар 24 | Natalie Douglas - Back To The Garden [24-bit Hi-Res] (2024) FLAC | | 537.00536.59 MB | 0 0 0 |
45840018 Мар 22 | Steelballs - The Neverending Fire (2022) MP3 | | 84.0083.46 MB | 0 0 0 |
45835216 Мар 22 | Arcane Tales - Steel, Fire And Magic (2022) FLAC | | 333.00332.66 MB | 0 0 0 |
45835216 Мар 22 | Whitecave - Times Of Trouble (2022) MP3 | | 117.00116.68 MB | 0 0 0 |
45835216 Мар 22 | Reviver - A Thousand Lives (2022) MP3 | | 109.00108.59 MB | 0 0 0 |
45832815 Мар 22 | Dream Master - A World Without People (2022) MP3 | | 144.00143.62 MB | 0 0 0 |
45832815 Мар 22 | Rimortis - Věčnost živlů (2022) MP3 | | 109.00108.57 MB | 0 0 0 |
45832815 Мар 22 | Arcane Tales - Steel, Fire And Magic (2022) MP3 | | 108.00107.18 MB | 0 0 0 |
45830414 Мар 22 | Overlord SR - Prepare For The King (2022) FLAC | | 216.00215.07 MB | 0 0 0 |
45828013 Мар 22 | Mastercastle - Lighthouse Pathetic (2022) MP3 | | 115.00114.45 MB | 0 0 0 |
45828013 Мар 22 | New Horizon - Gate of the Gods (2022) FLAC | | 383.00382.41 MB | 0 0 0 |
45825612 Мар 22 | Cloven Hoof - Time Assassin (2022) MP3 | | 96.0095.51 MB | 0 0 0 |
45820810 Мар 22 | Rizon - Prime Time (2022) MP3 | | 141.00140.65 MB | 0 0 0 |
45823211 Мар 22 | Threads of Fate - The Cold Embrace of the Light (2022) MP3 | | 108.00107.78 MB | 0 0 0 |
45813607 Мар 22 | VA - Chill Beats Music 2022 (2022) MP3 | | 100.0099.96 MB | 0 0 0 |
45811206 Мар 22 | Sabaton - The War to End All Wars (2022) FLAC | | 328.00327.07 MB | 0 0 0 |
45806404 Мар 22 | Serious Black - Vengeance Is Mine (2022) FLAC | | 464.00463.58 MB | 0 0 0 |
45806404 Мар 22 | Sabaton - The War to End All Wars [24-bit Hi-Res] (2022) FLAC | | 544.00543.27 MB | 0 0 0 |
45806404 Мар 22 | The Claymore - St. Barbara's Light (2022) FLAC | | 403.00402.02 MB | 0 0 0 |
45804003 Мар 22 | HammerFall - Japanese Editions Collection (1997-2011) FLAC | | 4332.004.23 GB | 0 0 0 |
45804003 Мар 22 | Sabaton - The War to End All Wars (2022) MP3 | | 95.0094.28 MB | 0 0 0 |
45801602 Мар 22 | HammerFall - Hammer Of Dawn (2022) FLAC | | 460.00459.83 MB | 0 0 0 |
45801602 Мар 22 | HammerFall - Renegade 2.0 [24-bit Hi-Res] (2000/2021) FLAC | | 623.00623.00 MB | 0 0 0 |
45801602 Мар 22 | HammerFall - Hammer Of Dawn [24-bit Hi-Res] (2022) FLAC | | 570.00569.17 MB | 0 0 0 |
45799201 Мар 22 | Pinkish Crown - New Dawn (2021) MP3 | | 104.00103.73 MB | 0 0 0 |
45799201 Мар 22 | Forbidden Seed - On Blackest Wings, Shadow of the Crow Pt. I (2022) MP3 | | 167.00166.14 MB | 0 0 0 |
45799201 Мар 22 | Palantir - Chasing a Dream (2022) MP3 | | 107.00107.00 MB | 0 0 0 |
45799201 Мар 22 | Desert - Soul of a Wanderer [Revisited] (2022) MP3 | | 90.0089.30 MB | 0 0 0 |
45799201 Мар 22 | The Human Tragedy - Legacy of Extermination (2022) MP3 | | 153.00152.24 MB | 0 0 0 |
45789628 Фев 22 | Obscurcis Romancia - The Bringer of Light [EP] (2022) MP3 | | 147.00146.20 MB | 0 0 0 |
45787227 Фев 22 | Anhel - Estatues de Sal (2022) MP3 | | 121.00120.46 MB | 0 0 0 |
45787227 Фев 22 | The Rods - Metal Will Never Die: The Official Bootleg Box Set 1981/2010 [4CD] (2022) | | 465.00464.81 MB | 0 0 0 |
45787227 Фев 22 | Vivaldi Metal Project - Epiclassica (2022) MP3 | | 227.00226.55 MB | 0 0 0 |
45784826 Фев 22 | VA - Playlist 20s (2022) MP3 | | 426.00425.09 MB | 0 0 0 |
45784826 Фев 22 | VA - Top Easy Listening Hits (2022) MP3 | | 303.00302.18 MB | 0 0 0 |
45784826 Фев 22 | CETI - CETI (2022) MP3 | | 88.0087.35 MB | 0 0 0 |
45782425 Фев 22 | Shadows of Steel - Twilight II [EP] (2022) MP3 | | 92.0091.34 MB | 0 0 0 |